For Immediate Release

July 11, 2023
**Statement from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on the New Jersey State Police**
The NAACP is deeply troubled by the recent allegations of racial discrimination against Major Brian Polite as well as the discriminatory practices against other minority troopers in the New Jersey State Police. These allegations are consistent with a long history of discrimination within the State Police, which has been documented in numerous lawsuits and investigations.
We call on the New Jersey Attorney General's Office and United States Department of Justice to immediately launch a full and independent investigation into these allegations as well as the promotional and internal investigative practices of the New Jersey State Police. We also call on the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office to take immediate steps to address the systemic racism that appears to be pervasive within the agency.
In addition to our call for a thorough investigation into the allegations of discrimination within the New Jersey State Police, we demand the release of the materials obtained by the Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck law firm that conducted an investigation into the division's employment practices starting in August 2020 at the request of then New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewals.
As taxpayers, the public has a right to know the findings of this investigation and review and what actions, if any, were taken to address any discriminatory practices that were uncovered. The Attorney General’s Office must prioritize transparency and accountability in this matter and provide the necessary information to the public.
The release of the review would also provide an opportunity for the division to demonstrate its commitment to addressing discrimination within its ranks and rebuilding trust with the community it serves. We urge the Attorney General’s Office to release the review immediately and take meaningful steps to address the issues it uncovers.
The New Jersey State Police is a public institution that is entrusted with protecting the safety of all NewJerseyans. It is unacceptable for any member of the State Police to be subjected to racial discrimination.We demand that the Attorney General take swift and decisive action to ensure that all troopers are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.
We stand in solidarity with Major Polite, Lieutenant Crawford, and all the other minority, female, and LGBTQ troopers who have filed similar claims of discrimination. We will continue to advocate for their rights and demand that the State Police take concrete steps to address discrimination and foster a culture of inclusivity and equity.
The NAACP has a long history of fighting for racial justice. We will continue to work tirelessly to ensurethat all New Jerseyans have equal opportunity and are treated fairly by the law. We will not rest until theNew Jersey State Police is a truly inclusive and diverse agency that is free from discrimination.
Richard T. Smith
NAACP New Jersey State Conference President
-end of release-
Read the Letter from NAACP to DOJ on NJSP Discrimination by clicking here.