Greetings, Freedom Fighters!
The current social and political climate in New Jersey and throughout the nation has sounded the clarion bell for us to join together to strengthen our efforts to increase membership in the NAACP in record numbers! Now, more than ever, it is important to work together to brainstorm a unified, innovative approach to develop and implement a statewide recruitment campaign! The time has come for us to identify new sources for potential memberships in addition to our current primary contacts. Gone are the days of solely relying on our Freedom Fund activities to bolster our unit membership rosters!
Trying to conduct recruitment activities in the age of COVID-19 poses many challenges for units. In order to be able to address this, and other membership issues, I am requesting all units to submit the name of your Membership Chair and/or designee to serve on the NJSC NAACP Membership Committee. Please email your unit representative’s name and contact information including e-mail, cell/home number and mailing address to: searos03@aol.com no later than January 21, 2021. Upon receipt of your information, a new Membership Committee Directory and Meeting Calendar will be developed. Meetings will be conducted through Zoom.
The State Conference needs “ALL HANDS ON DECK” to implement a successful recruitment campaign! Remember, Membership IS The Lifeblood of the NAACP! I look forward to working with everyone in 2021 to get membership in the NAACP done!!!
Rosalind Seawright
Membership Committee Chair
As African Americans across New Jersey as well as other states throughout America prepare to celebrate Juneteenth, the Membership Committee urges your unit to take advantage of the opportunity to increase membership in the NAACP by participating in the many events scheduled in our various communities! If your unit is not aware of activities scheduled in your community, be sure to check your local community website and the State Of New Jersey website to find out the calendar of Juneteenth celebrations in your specific area.
In an effort to encourage members of the NJSC NAACP to speak in one accord, the following language has been prepared by the committee to include in your talking points as you engage potential members:
The NAACP focuses on issues like police brutality, the impact of COVID-19, and voter registration because our communities are under attack. The NAACP works to disrupt inequality and dismantle racism.

We work to accelerate change in key areas including criminal justice, health care, education, climate, and the economy.
When it comes to fighting for civil rights and social justice, the NAACP has a long history of victories, and we are the oldest civil rights organization.

We need you to help us make racial equity a reality. Will you join us today?